In the fast-paced business world where change is the only constant, finding the right talent is about more than just ticking boxes for skills and qualifications. It’s about spotting those individuals who are not only smart but also agile and ready to evolve. My go-to interview question has been: “How are you using AI and Machine Learning?” This question cuts straight to the chase, revealing whether someone views AI and ML as mere buzzwords or potential tools to help them win. LinkedIn’s data shows that 74% of HR leaders value a candidate’s eagerness to learn new technologies as a top predictor of success.

Why does this matter? Simply put, we’re living in an era where dabbling in AI and ML isn’t just for tech whizzes—it’s the baseline for staying competitive. However, the gold isn’t in just using these technologies but in how candidates approach them. Are they diving into learning and applying AI to enhance their work, showing that hunger for growth? Deloitte points out that organizations steeped in a culture of learning are 92% more likely to innovate. Innovation leads to more revenue, higher quality of delivery to customers, less waste, and more.

So, this question about AI and ML isn’t just about tech. It’s about finding people with a learner’s mindset, ready to take on new challenges and grow. In this digital age, such individuals are invaluable, turning challenges into opportunities and driving the company forward with agility and innovation. The aim is to build a team of intelligent individuals and adaptable learners ready to navigate and lead through the complexities of today’s business environment.