Throughout my career, I’ve worked with everyone. The Fortune 500 companies, the largest privately held companies, the start-ups, the companies just trying to maintain, and the fastest growing companies. It’s the purpose-driven scale-ups that are the most fun. The companies that have set out to make a positive impact on the world, and are rapidly growing. That portion of the growth cycle between $50 million and $500 million is the best.

These companies have a solid business plan, a clean capital stack, and a genuine commitment to fostering a winning workplace culture. It’s infectious, and that drive they have is pushing them relentlessly towards their lofty goals. And for me, there’s nothing quite like teaming up with these ambitious visionaries, the pioneers of industry reinvention.

Of course, it’s not all smooth sailing for the gazelles. Imagine cramming a decade’s worth of growth into just a few short years – it’s a wild ride, complete with its fair share of bumps and bruises. But you know what? Those bumps are part of the fun. They signify progress, evolution, and the kind of rapid transformation that leaves a lasting impact.

Living in Phoenix, I’ve had a front-row seat to the incredible transformations these companies can achieve. Often, it’s the passionate founder who kickstarts the journey, taking their company to the $50 million or $100 million revenue mark before passing the baton to a seasoned leadership team. And let me tell you, that transition phase is where the magic happens – assembling the right team, armed with the expertise to take revenues from $50 million to $250 million or from $100 million to $500 million and beyond.

It’s like conducting a symphony of strategy, innovation, and good old-fashioned hard work – all driven by a shared desire not just to turn a profit but to redefine entire industries and make a real difference in people’s lives. The journey is exhilarating, filled with monumental milestones and profound personal and professional growth moments.

So, as we set out on this adventure together, let’s relish every twist and turn along the way. After all, working with gazelles isn’t just a job – it’s a passion, a calling, and a chance to leave our mark on the world. Let’s embrace the audacity of ambition, spirit resilience, and gazelles’ transformative power. Together, we’ll ride the wave of success, one exhilarating moment at a time.